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I joined Nokia Research Center as senior researcher since 1997, then as principal scientist and research leader, primarily in the area of spoken language processing and voice UI, and recently on context data intelligence and economics. I have been involved in developing multilingual language- and speaker-independent speech recognition, high quality text-to-speech synthesis, and voice conversion. I am now leading a team working on rich context modeling to offer personalized and intelligent applications and services for mobile users by leveraging context sensing and advanced user profiling. I also manage European project (FP7) on personalized speech-to-speech translation in Nokia as well as the collaborative projects with the universities.
I am now taking a key role as research leader in context data intelligence and economics in Nokia Beijing focusing on techniques and systems for the efficient mining of rich context data in mobile computing services. The key research is carried out on how to discover user behavior patterns and anticipate user intention from mobile rich context, aiming to provide consumer insights and potential economic models for personalized, intelligent services particularly for growth markets in the mobile internet era.
Prior to joining Nokia Research Center, I was assistant lecturer and lecturer in Institute of Information Science in Beijing Jiaotong University. From 1993 to 1994, I worked at Beijing office of Mainlife Co. (HongKong) and YAMATO Scientific Co. Ltd. (Japan, adjunct), responsible for developing Chinese market of scientific instruments.

I am author of about 100 publications including book chapter, journal and conference papers covering biomedical engineering, spoken language processing, rich context modeling, recommendation system and user behavior learning. I have about 100 patents including those that are pending.

Work Experience

Research Manager in Nokia Mobile Phone Services in

2012 - 2013

R&D Manager in Internet Service, Microsoft in

Since 2014

Personalized, contextual and intelligence internet services;

On big data processing: platform and algorithm; batch and streaming; Personalized and recommendation services,

Senior Researcher and Principal Scientist in Nokia Research Center

2009 - 2012 (China)

Big data, data mining, machine learning, recommendation system, user profiling, rich moble context data modeling and intelligence.

1997 - 2009 (Finland);

Spoken and natural language processing, speech recognition/synthesis, voice UI;

University of Eastern Finland

Ph.Lic. and PhD, Computer Science and Biomedical Signal Processing, 1996 and 1997 respectively;

Education Background

Xi'an Jiaotong University

B.Sc. and M.Sc, Biomedical Engineering;

2010 - present

2010 - present

© 2023 by Greg Saint. No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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